Officer Advancements

Why this page? 

I frequently receive the question about how to become an officer for NTPD1 so I figured it was time to make a page dedicated to it! If you have any questions about what is stated here, feel free to reach out on either our official Discord server or via email.

Officer Requirements:

Communication Platform Requirement:
All prospective officers must maintain an active presence on the official NTPD1 Discord server. This platform serves as the primary communication channel for coordinating team activities, competitions, and other official events.

Team Tenure:
Candidates for officer positions are expected to have been active, contributing members of NTPD1 for a minimum of one (1) month. This requirement ensures familiarity with team dynamics and demonstrates a commitment to our organization.

While rare, exceptions to the above requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the team leadership.

Additional Considerations:

• Demonstrated leadership skills

• Consistent participation in team events

• Adherence to NTPD1 code of conduct

• Positive contribution to team morale and performance

Do officers have a different race count requirement for the team?

No. Officers are expected to meet the team minimum requirements each week unless an exception has been granted but they are not required to go overboard with races just because they're an officer.

Please note that meeting these requirements does not guarantee officer status. Final decisions on officer appointments are made based on the team’s current needs and the candidate’s overall fit for the role.

What do officers do?

As an officer, it is expected that you will help council with many various topics including but not limited to: comp ideas, alliances with teams, and how to boost team morale. I often will have officers help in the actual administration of the team which might include moderating the team server, helping to pay out comps, posting MOTDs, and organizing competitions or flights through NTcomps.

In short, NTPD1 values the promotion to an officer as more than just a race count. It's for people who I honestly think could help make the team a better place. If you have an interest in becoming an officer feel free to let me know. One of the best ways to become a candidate to become an officer is to get involved with the team, get to know me, and get to know your fellow racers!

Hope this helps and thanks for being an outstanding member of the Nitro Type Police Community!

- Captain.Loveridge

What is our current Leadership like?