NTPD1 Weekly race requirements are 70 races/week. If you miss 2 weeks consecutively, you will be removed from the team unless you have spoken to Captain.Loveridge and he approves it. If you do get removed, you are always welcome to rejoin when you have the time to race more competitively. The chart below will update every 4 hours.
NTPD1 Weekly race requirements are 70 races/week. If you miss 2 weeks consecutively, you will be removed from the team unless you have spoken to Captain.Loveridge and he approves it. If you do get removed, you are always welcome to rejoin when you have the time to race more competitively. The chart below will update every 4 hours.
Yellow = Danger to be removed. | Green = Redemption
Yellow = Danger to be removed. | Green = Redemption